conventional wisdom Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지


글 요약해주실분!!ㅠㅠ

원본 Conventional wisdom in the West, influenced by philosophers from Plato to Descartes, credits individuals and especially geniuses with creativity and originality. Social and...


영어 작문 번역 부탁드립니다! 급해요

... So in 2022, I'm legally old enough to buy alcohol from 2003. However, this is just a social conventional wisdom, and the administrative system uses the age of the world.


선생님 며칠 전 질문한 학생인데 하나 더...

During the Fall semester of 1999 at Penn State University, one brave researcher defied conventional wisdom and asked a sample of college women how much they...


something at all 해석을 어떻게...

... Conventional wisdom in the West, influenced by philospphers from Plato to Decartes. credits individuls as and especially geniuses with creativity and originality. Social and...


가주어 진주어 it is ~ that 질문이에요

... It is conventional wisdom that women see a doctor every year after turning fifty. 여성이 50세가 넘으면 매년 의사를 봐야하는 것이 일반 통념이다. 주어가...


이코노미스트지 발췌 기사인데...

... Conventional wisdom has it that sovereign defaults are always messy and painful. In fact the lesson of such defaults over the past decade or more is that this is not...


영문기사 해석 좀 부탁드려요~ 내공100!!

... Lately, the conventional wisdom is that young people think far too much of themselves—they’re coddled little zeppelins of ego in desperate need of shooting down....


영어해석 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ 내공100

... In our study, we saw a handful of companies-Kao, Intel, and ABB, among them-that had created renewal processes that challenged conventional wisdom, overturned existing...


뉴스 번역 부탁드려요

... The conventional wisdom that a collapse of the North Korean state will be disastrous for China is misconceived. Any crisis sparked by North Korean refugees fleeing...


간단한 통계 질문요 문제 정답이 뭔가요?

During the Fall semester of 1999 at Penn State University, one brave researcher defied conventional wisdom and asked a sample of college women how much they weighed....


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