confer Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지

영어 단어 동의어 좀 가르쳐주세요 ㅠ

... compliment:칭찬하다 confer:수여하다 impose:강요하다 가르쳐주시면... praise/ applaud confer:수여하다/ grant/ award impose:강요하다 / force/ compel/ exact


무역영어 해석 좀 ;; 부탁드려요 ㅠ...

... shall confer in order to settle a new exchange rate according to the floating... shall confer in order to settle a new exchange rate according to the floating and...



... transitive verb(타동사) U Uncountable noun 불가산 명사 C countable noun 가산 명사 opp opposite 반대 cf confer의 줄임말로 참조, 참고 등의 뜻 e.g...

태그: 영어문법

causal variants를 뭘로 번역해야 가장...

Identifying causal variants that confer risk of diseases인데 질병 위험을 제공하는 원인 변이체의 식별이라고 번역되던데… 원인 변이체라는 말이...


제시한 영어 지문 중에 문법적인 부분이...

What I want to advise Frank and Julie is to confer with a trained and licensed marriage... What I want toadvise Frank and Julie ____ // is to confer with a trained and licensed...


[급] 영어해석 부탁드립니다~

... The right to confer with [an] attorney for the Government in the case. 6. The... The right to confer with [an] attorney for the Government in the case. 5....


영어 번역 수정 좀 부탁드려요.당연히...

... Around introduced the high technology in this time, we want to confer with you in... Around introduced the high technology in this time, we want to confer with you in order to...


영어 문제요.

... (A) confer (B) confront (C) confirmed (D) condition Which of the following... (A) confer (B) confront (C) confirmed (D) condition Which of the following is...


TIME 지 칼럼 해석 부탁드립니다.

... even if moderate drinking does confer health benefits, which it probably does, they... even if moderate drinking does confer health benefits, which it probably does...


(급) 영어해석 부탁드려요! 내공50

... Its distinctiveness and recognizability confer prestige and status. It should be... Its distinctiveness and recognizability confer prestige and status. 이런...


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