agreed Qna 관련 답변 9 페이지


sides agreed were fair, took more...

the terms of the contract, ----- both sides agreed were fair... sides agreed가 contract를 수식하는건가여... both sides agreed는 따옴표는 없지만 삽입절입니다....



... If you agreed, I would go. 위의 문장은 가정법 문장입니까? 해석을 좀 해주십시오.... If you agreed, I would go. 위의 문장은 가정법 문장입니까? -> 그렇습니다....


I agreed to stay us

He agreed to stay us forever 그는 영원히 우리와 함께 머물기로 동의했습니다 위 문장에서 to부정를 us뒤에 쓰면 안되나요? stay us보다 stay with us가 맞는...


고수분께 질문 좀 드리겠습니다.

... If you agreed, I would go. 제가 위의 문장에 대해... = If you agreed, I would go. (가정법 과거, 현재 사실에... = If you had agreed, I would have gone. (가정법 과거완료...


영어 왕초보 도와주세요..ㅜ

... agreed with는 될수없는 이유가 뭔가요..? I couldn't agree with you 이문장에서 동사가 be agreed... O I couldn't be agreed with X ->It couldn't be agreed with...



Do you suppose who agreed to reopen the case? 이문장 맞나요 틀리나요? 전 who가 앞으로... 영어문법질문 비공개 조회수 5 작성일3분 전 Do you suppose who agreed to reopen...


영어 문법

It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn... been agreed (동사)that(접속사) they(주어) should... had been agreed :과거완료수동태 4. as soon as...

태그: 영어, 영어문법

토익 part5 질문

If either party wants to make contract adjustments ____ those agreed upon in this session... were) agreed upon in this session, 이번 회기에서 (그러기로)합의한...


영어문장 구조

... those agreed upon in this session, another meeting is... 특히 beyond those agreed upon 이부분의 품사와... those agreed upon in this session](목), to make(동)...


간접의문문 질문

... - Please tell me why you didn't agreed with him. 3. Which가 쓰인 의문문은... - Please tell me why you didn't agreed with him. 3. Which가 쓰인 의문문은...


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