tiresome Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

영어 문장 맞는지 좀;;

... It is also tiresome. So I want to make a cleaning robot if I am a... It is also tiresome. So I want to make a cleaning robot if I am a scientist. Because...


영어 검토 부탁드립니다.

... quite tiresome. Nowadays, most of the people persue convenience. As an... quite tiresome. (아니면 However visiting offline malls require unnecessary...


번역좀해주세요 ㅠㅠ

... SO TIRESOME. I have to walk sooooooo much T^T But i really like my classes! My... SO TIRESOME. I have to walk sooooooo much T^T 너무 짜증나 나 엄청 많이...


영어 형용사와 부사의 접미사와 동사에

... 있는, ~하는(tiresome), [수사에 붙여서] 사람 또는 個로 이루어지는 群 또는 組(twosome) -y : [명사에 붙여서] ~있는, ~투성이의, ~로 이루어진, ~성의...


틀린부분 찾아주세요~

... is tiresome or are selfish enough to turn away from the country. I dare say... is tiresome or selfish enough to turn away from the country. I dare say...


영문법 검사 좀 부탁드려요

... But I couldn`t clean up, because I`m so busy and it so tiresome. In very hot... But I couldn`t clean up because I`m so busy and it is so tiresome. On the very...


이거좀 영작해주세요 한문장

난 너와 함께 노는것이 귀찮다 Tiresome을 써서 해주세요 Tiresome:귀찮은,성가신 I feel tiresome to hang out together with you.


어린왕자 영어 해석좀해주세요

... grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for... Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to...


영단어 찾아주세요!!

... troublesome, tiresome, annoy, bother, 등을 써도 되지만, Such a hassle. 완전 귀찮아 '아 일어나기 귀찮아' "I don't want to wake up." "It's such a hassle." '공부하기...

태그: 영단어, 영어

역사란무엇인가(What is history? E.H...

... E.H Carr takes two passages to solve this tiresome question. One is Acton's... E.H Carr refers to two passages to solve this tiresome question. One is Acton...


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