sled Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

(내공30) 번역기말고 빠른번역...

... Jess zip along a hilltop on her sled. Shadow runs with Jess. "Let's have a snack... Jess zip along a hilltop on her sled. ->제스는 썰매를 타고 언덕을 따라...


영어 해석좀

Sled dogs work harder than most other dogs.They pull... dogs.Sled dogs usually travel in teams.A team is made up... He stands on the runners of the sled.The funners ectend...


마이크로소프트 실습인데요 킷트...

... h> xdata unsigned int SLED0 _at_ 0xf002; xdata unsigned int SLED1 _at_ 0xf003; void delay... i++) { SLED0=i; delay_routine(10000); } }while(1); } 마이크로 프로세스를...


as 뒤에 절

Next day, Fredrick watched regretfully as Marshall's sled disappeared slowly in the distance.... Marshall's sled / disappeared // slowly / in the distance. 마샬의 썰매는 사라졌다...

태그: 영어, 영어문법

영어뜻찾아주세요 ㅜ

영어뜻과 소리나는대로 적어주세요 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ winter mitten sled stuff yum... [미튼] sled 썰매 [슬레드] stuff 물질,재료 [스텁,스터프] yum 냠냠(의성어)...


영어동화좀 해석(번역)해 줘여~~내공다검

... He pulled a two-man sled out of the trunk. Across a... the sled together and perched themselves at the very... "Get set!" "GO!" The sled tumbled down the hill...


A imagined the two t

A imagined the two taking a sled full of ice into village. 여기서 taking a sled 이하가... a sled 이하가 동명사인가요?? A가 주어이고 taking a sled full of ice 가...


영어 글 해석좀 부탁드립니다~

... a sled. " Oh , Mother ! " said I-Loo. " I do want a sled ! I want to go for a ride on that new white snow. " " You can use this box for a sled , " said Mother. " Do...


영어 한문장만 해석 부탁드려요...

... tractor-mounted sled is meant for six-foot-wide rolls.... the sled. I am winging it, and it is not working.... tractor-mounted sled is meant for six-foot-wide rolls....


영어본문에서 문법 좀찾아서 알려주세요...

... Teams have 50meters to push the sled to a good speed. Once the team has started to push the sled to a... the sled next. The brakman is the last to jump in, and...


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