repeatedly Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

Prospective teachers

... heard repeatedly. 접속사 없이 절이 두개가 어떻게 오는건거요?? 네... 정상어순으로 문장을 다시 써보면, Amercans heard repeatedly that prospective...


스타듀밸리가 안 돼요

... If it happens repeatedly, see 'get help' on [SMAPI] If you ask for help, make sure to share your SMAPI log: 스타듀밸리 들어가면 스마피...

태그: 게임, 스타듀밸리

아두이노 expected unqualified-id...

... pinMode(8,OUTPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly... run repeatedly: sensor = digitalRead(3); if(sensor == LOW){ digitalWrite(8,HIGH); }...


원어민 표현

... To repeatedly gain resources or experience - Leet: Elite or skilled player - Lag: Delay in game response - Rekt: Slang for "wrecked," meaning defeated badly...


이코드 주석좀요!!

... run repeatedly: } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once... run repeatedly: // 메인 코드를 작성하라고 하네요~~주기적으로( 반복적으로)...


영문 해석이 잘 안 돼요. 부탁합니다.

... he has a dimension removed so we may repeatedly enjoy him. Bond just wants ; he is... he has a dimension removed so we may repeatedly enjoy him. Bond just wants ; he is...



... They were put off repeatedly. At last the city officials had an idea. They... They were put off repeatedly. At last the city officials had an idea. They...


부사수식 질문드립니다

conducting on-the-job training repeatedly helps to keep employees productive and alert 위 문장에서 repeatedly (부사)가... 위에는 순전히 해석으로 파악해서 repeatedly가 conducting을...


영어 문법? 도와주세요ㅜㅜ

repeated랑 repeatedly의 차이가 뭔가요?? 어떨때 repeated를 쓰고 어떨때 repeatedly를 쓰죵?? repeated랑 repeatedly의 차이가 뭔가요?? 어떨때 repeated를 쓰고...


영어 형식 찾아주세여

... Russia, repeatedly ignored calls from U.S. President Joe Biden, asking to... Russia, repeatedly ignored calls from U.S. President Joe Biden, asking to...


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