realistically Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지


이 영단어,숙어들로 짧은 예문...

... financial재정적인 경제적인 18.realistically현실적... 18.realistically현실적으로 Try to think a little bit more realistically. You are the manager of this group!...



... cannot realistically expect to be able to order equipment and receive it the day... cannot realistically expect to be able to order equipment and receive it the day after....



... can realistically guess the possible costs and consequences. Radical Islamist... can realistically guess the possible costs and consequences. 이라크의 대한...


영어해석 부탁드립니다. 바로채택가능

Not much energy can be realistically generated by solar panels in UK,and not every... Not much energy can be realistically generated by solar panels in UK,and not every...


빈 칸에 알맞은 답을 고르시오 4.

... (A) really (B) realistic (C) realistically (D) realism 13. A _____ interview... (A) really (B) realistic (C) realistically (D) realism -to 전치사 다음의...


영어 독음 부탁드립니다!! 내공은 20!!!

... Mohandas Gandhi, Karan but realistically October 2, 1869 to January 30, 1948) as... but realistically October 2, 1869 to January 30, 1948) as one of India's spiritual and...


영어해석좀 ! 내공있음 번역기는안되요 ㅜ

... Only then can we view the world more realistically as well as understand the true... more realistically as well as understand the true nature of the problem. 그러고...


영어 영작

... Hans's actions to become a true king were realistically depicted. The movie showcases misunderstandings and conflicts between the two main characters, which gradually lead to...

태그: 영작부탁드려요

영어문법문제 질문이요..

... [Realistic/Realistically] understanding your skill level might help you improve by... [Realistic/Realistically] understanding your skill level might help you improve by enabling...


영어 해석점 부탁드릴께요~~ 내일까지 부탁

... But now I do it more realistically and with a different purpose in mind. I am... more realistically and with a different purpose in mind. 하지만 이제는 현실적으로...


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