piece of Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지


A piece of cake와 A slice of cake

... a piece of cake.는 이해가 됩니다만 a slice of cake는 잘 이해가 되지않습니다. a slice of ~는 어떤 것의 얇은 조각을 나타내는 것인데 cake는 얇게 자르지...


a piece of 와 a slice of의 차이점좀..

... a pound of (1 파운드의)..등등 요런게 있더군요,,그런데 한잔의 는 뭐 물,우유 주스 이런거 하여튼 종류에따라 다른건 알겠는데,, a piece of (한 조각의)라고 써져있고 종이...


a piece of~를 쓰는 단위

a piece of~를 써서 나타내는 단위를 전부 알고 싶어요. 예를 들어 a piece of cake 케잌 한 조각 a piece of paper 종이 한장 a piece of advice 충고 하나 a piece of music 음악...


taking the last piece of food 주어/동사...

taking the last piece of food there is a superstition that warns us never to take the last piece of food on a plate. to do so means that we won't marry, or if we are married, we may soon find...


what is an idea for a new piece of...

what is an idea for a new piece of technology? what might be the advantage and dis advantage of it? 이거 해석좀해주세요 번역기돌려도 애매하게 나오네요....


taking the last piece of food 주어/동사...

taking the last piece of food there is a superstition that warns us never to take the last piece of food on a plate. to do so means that we won't marry, or if we are married, we may soon find...


single piece of technology that has...

the cassette recorder is the single piece of technology that has affected language learning the most. 여기서 the most는 뭔가요 부사로 쓴건가요? the most는...


It is like a piece of work. It looks...

... It is like a piece of work. It looks like a piece of work. --- 틀린 부분이 있나요?(191109) 이건 뭔가 작품 같습니다. It is like a piece of work. It looks like a piece of...


A piece of business가 무슨 뜻인가요?

This is a pretty piece of business. 이 문장이 ‘일이 엉망이네’라고 해석된다는데 왜 그렇게 되는건가요? 일이 유리조각처럼 산산조각났다고 생각하시면 됩니다....


Can I have a piece of cake?

... Can I have a piece of cake? B: Sure, Help yourself . 이게 "보기" 인데요 . 질문이 I'm cold 와 I'm bored 와 It's dark in here. 이랑 I'm hot 이랑 I'm...


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