persuade Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

영어 문법 질문 급해요 ㅠㅠ

the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services.에서 to persuade의 용법이 무엇인지 알려주세요. 그리고 해석도 알려주세요 to persuade는...

태그: 영어, 문법, 질문, 어학, 어휘, 교육, 학문, 외국어, 영어문법

영어 모고 주제.제목

... could persuade members of a rival tribe that a westward... [ persuade + 간접목적어 + 직접목적어(that절) ] persuade는 that절을 직접목적어로 취하거든요. 그래서...


어법 질문이에요

... For example, to persuade younger people to purchase its sponges, a Brazilian... For example, to persuade younger people to purchase its sponges, a Brazilian...


to persuade him의 문장 성분은...

Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him. 입니다. 보어? 부사인가요? 진주어임.

태그: 문법


Persuade 뒤에는 무조건 to 인가요?? 어떠한 경우라도 ing는 안 되는 건가요……. Persuade 뒤에는 무조건 to... ->persuade + to 부정사에서 to 부정사가 명사적용법이니 이를...


영어 문법 뭐가 틀린고 맞는건지 이유좀

... It has taken centuries (persuade/to persuade) the most people that liebertu to~is good... centuries (persuade/to persuade) the most people that liebertu to~is good and...


고 1 영어 모의고사 제목

90 고1 모고 영어 도와주세요 Those who could persuade... Ξ 영어 독해, 읽기 Those who could persuade members of a... 여기서의 persuade가 목적어를 두 개 가질 수 있는...


than이 접속사, 전치사?

1) It is easier to persuade him than to force him. 2) It is easier to persuade him than forcing him. 두 문장 뒤... 1) It is easier to persuade him than to force him. 2) It...


To부정사 문제 풀어주세요!

... Leo tried to persuade her, but failed Leo tried to persuade her, only... Leo tried to persuade her, only to fail. 3. The poet left the country, never to return. 1. They...


영어 문법 질문

Jody helped (persuade/to persuade) She made him (do/to do) He (went/has gone) to... helped persuade (persuade). She made him do (do). He went to Italy in last...

태그: 영문법, 영어

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