dexterity Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

(내공많음) 지문 주제 요약문 영어 문법...

... Nevertheless, the quality of health that human populationsenjoy is attributable less to surgical dexterity, innovativepharmaceutical products, and bioengineered...


해석좀 부탁드릴꼐요 ㅠㅠ

... One wonders where this comparative manual dexterity among koreans comes from... One wonders where this comparative manual dexterity among koreans comes from 금니는...


★내공80점★ 영어 잘 하시는 분들~ 번역...

... manual dexterity, and good vision. Nature of the Work... A high degree of manual dexterity, good vision, and... manual dexterity , and good vision . 치과 실험실...


영자신문 번역해주세요^-^(내공100)...

... "Preschoolers don't have the dexterity to really clean their teeth," Berg said.... "Preschoolers don't have the dexterity to really clean their teeth," Berg said....


i cannot approch to

i cannot approch to the dexterity with which he plays the piano 이 상황에서 with which 대신 that은 쓸 수 없죠? 이유를 들어 설명해주시면 정말...



... The issue is not about economic growth or engineering dexterity; Asia's record... The issue is not about economic growth or engineering dexterity; Asia's record in...



Dexterity talented people find success in the ( ) world such as manufacturing and... Dexterity talented people find success in the (blue-collar ) world such as manufacturing and...



... 봤는데 뭔말인지 하나도 모르겠어요. Strong 힘 Agility 민첩성 Intelligence 지능 Dexterity 재주 Luck 운 게임 내 능력치로 많이쓰이는 말입니다.


This is vocabulary 중급 unit 29,30

... dexterity : 능숙함 4. finesse : 훌륭한 기술, 궁리 5. inept : 서투른, 솜씨 없는 6. savvy : 능통한 7. tact : 눈치, 분별력 8. untutored : 교육받지 않은 9....

태그: 급해요, 빨리, 내공

번역즘 해주세요..!! 영어가 너무 딸려서....

... The design of this robot is focused on providing high dexterity, agility, and... The design of this robot is focused on providing high dexterity, agility, and...


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