cited Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지


토익 문법 질문

D.r Jonson cited the reason for increased revenue this quarter as effective store... 궁금합니다 D.r Jonson cited the reason for increased revenue this quarter as effective store...

태그: 토익, 문법, part5, 토익도와주세요, 영어


Cites나 cited가 정답인데 cite(s)라고 적었으면 오답 처리 될까요? 이거 때문에 90점 100점이 갈려서 급합니다. 오답처리 될것으로 보입니다

태그: 영어, 고등교육

5형식 관련.

Some 30% of people who tested positive for the virus(S) have cited(V) loss of smell(O) as their... have cited 목적 loss of smell ___ 부사구 as their major complaint in otherwise mild...


번역 좀 부탁드릴게요~

... 2 When owners were asked about potential causal factors, the most commonly cited... 2 When owners were asked about potential causal factors, the most commonly cited...


해석 부탁드려요 ~ [내공100]

The only cases cited by plaintiff's counsel in accord with... The court distinguished the cases cited above as not... cases cited above as not applicable to a condition...



... Committee cited several speeches that he says set a new... Committee cited several speeches that he says set a new... The secretary of the Nobel Committee (that is) cited several...


영어 작문한거 틀린거 수정요청 드림

... he cited the verse 그는그 구절을 인용했다. the... she cited several phrase 그녀는 여러 구절을... - He cited the verse. 그는그 구절을 인용했다. - The...


영어 영작 질문입니다

No matter how likely the cited research seems, (it, it, if, is ,helps, check, to, true... No matter how likely the cited research seems, (it, it, if, is ,helps, check, to, true...


영어번역 부탁드려요.

... For your purposes, it may be appropriate to simply find the most cited articles on... For your purposes, it may be appropriate to simply find the most cited articles on the...

태그: 번역, 독해

영어문장 주어좀 찾아주세요

One of the most commonly cited reasons for keeping a pet animal is for the companionship it can provide. 주어가 어디까지인가요? one이 주어입니다. of부터 animal...


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