caring Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지


이 문장에서 쓰인 문법 알려주세요!

caring for your blender properly will ensure that it continues to function well. that이 명사절... 문장 "caring for your blender properly will ensure that it continues to function well"에서 "that...


주어, 동사, 목적어 (목적격 보어)...

... himself caring for the family and sharing his... found /himself /caring for /the family /and/ sharing... 주어/부사/ 동사/ 목적어/ 목적보어 / caring...

태그: 영어, 문법, 영작, 문제풀이

영어 자기소개글 좀 고쳐주세요

... 11.She dedicated herself to caring for many patients with great kindness... She devoted herself to caring for numerous patients with great compassion during...

태그: 영어, 영어문법, 영어작문

중2 영어 문법 맞는지 봐주세용….

... I want to be like her, because of her caring mind. To be like her, will try to put... I aspire to be like her because of her caring nature and to achieve this, I will try to...


이 문장에서 사용된 현재분사는 무엇을...

Observing nurses caring for patients, you can see them... Observing nurses caring for patients, you can see them... observing :분사구문:현재분사 caring은 nurses...

태그: 현재분

주변을 신경쓰다, 남을 의식한다

... caring others 주변을 신경쓰다, 남을 의식한다 여기에 쓰기 좋은 영어... caring others I don't care what others say. I'm not self-conscious about what others...

태그: 영어, 어휘, 영어문법, 영어해석, 영어선생님, 영어잘하시는분

어법 질문이에요

... carrying a table 36.drinking water 37.putting cookies in the oven 38. a girl making cookies 39. a woman caring a baby 40. a child playing with a doll


if 절 관련 질문

You are a caring, if frustrated, son. 이 문장에서 ,if frustrated, 는 어떻게 해석하면... You are a caring, if frustrated, son. 이 문장에서 ,if frustrated, 는 어떻게 해석하면...


문장구조 및 뜻 1개

I hope to live out my days with this kind and caring man, loving each other and always feeling... I hope to live out my days with this kind and caring man, loving each other and always feeling...


관계대명사 계속적 용법

... to caring for the poor and sick, but her family... to caring for the poor and sick, but her family... life to caring for the poor and sick, to which her family objected.


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