attributable Qna 관련 답변 8 페이지

이 영어로 된 문단의 뜻은?

... loss "pie" attributable to outsiders. Some blamed the economy for stepping up the... loss "pie" attributable to outsiders. 어떤 이들은 일부 정보통에...



... be attributable to flooding. Rather, they are rough estimates of direct physical... be attributable to flooding. 국립 기상국의 피해 추정은 실제 비용의...


급해요 영어 문장 해석 좀 해주세요...

Hemophilia is a hereditary blood condition attributable to a lack of proteins, otherwise known as factors, in the sufferer. attributable 까지는 알겠는데 to lack부터...


-TOEIC- 토익 문제 좀 풀어주세요 ㅜ.ㅜ...

... injuries attributable to worker--------; thus the decision has been made to... are) attributable to worker--------; thus the decision has been made to increase the...


영어 번역 한줄만 부탁합니다~~

... area attributable to persons arrested for class A drug... area attributable to persons arrested for class A drug... ▷attributable to~ : ~때문이다...~로부터 기인한다......


영어 한문장 번역 도움

"The Chinese economy was enjoying a boom during the past two crises that many are concerned about to date," Jun said, adding that Korea's recovery back then was attributable to China...


영어 빨리해석좀 부탁합니다(내공100드림)

... errors, attributable to a variety of performance factors like tiredness, boredom... errors, attributable to a variety of performance factors like tiredness, boredom...


영어번역 급해요.. 도와주세요.. ㅠ.ㅠ...

... "Pensions often accept that poor investment performance is attributable to... "Pensions often accept that poor investment performance is attributable to unfortunate...


영어해석좀부탁드립니다 내공100

... 1 The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects... The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects...


영어학술지 번역 부탁드려요..

... the cause of this must be attributable to unrealistic and unpractical training... the cause of this must be attributable to unrealistic and unpractical training...


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