wrote Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지


From Canada I wrote a letter(1. to...

From Canada I wrote a letter(1. to that woman), in which I told... From Canada I wrote a letter(1. to that woman), in which I told... From Canada I wrote a letter(1. to that woman), that woman은...


Write wrote의 차이

Write 쓰다에서 wrote썼다 인데 Wr(i)te wr(o)te 여기서 i가->o로 바뀌는데 왜 이렇게... 그냥 write ~ wrote~ written 불규칙으로 변한다고 나와 있으니 그렇게만 기억하세요....


I instantly wrote it

I instantly wrote it down and tried to commit the words to memory, savouring the... 해석해주세요~~ 100 I instantly wrote it down and tried to commit the words to memory...


He wrote The Marian

He wrote The Marian for science fiction readers who want their stories firmly grounded in... He(주) /wrote(동) //The Marian(목) / for science fiction readers (부) who(주) /want(동) //their...


she wrote increasingly somber...

... she wrote increasingly somber poetry. 이거 문장 중의적인건가요? increasingly 가 부사로 wrote 를... Due to growing awareness of social ills, she wrote increasingly...


cool that you wrote to me?

cool that you wrote to me 한줄해석이요^ cool that you wrote to me 나한테 편지를... cool : 5 《속어》 멋진, 근사한 원래는, cool, that you wrote to me 로, cool 뒤에...


it should be like A wrote it and that...

If we do our job well, it should be like Beethoven wrote it and... Beethoven wrote it and that it's lost none of the validity... If we do our job well, it should be like Beethoven wrote it...


john wrote a letter which he sent...

john wrote a letter which he sent it to his parents. 이거 왜 it 빠지는지 설명해주세요 which가 관계대명사로 it의 대신 사용되었기 때문입니다.


He wrote me a letter

He wrote me a letter. 라는 문장이 가능한가요?? He wrote me a letter. 라는 문장이 가능한가요?? -> 가능합니다.


파이어 하우스 All She Wrote 해석이랑...

... she wrote Guess this is goodbye, guess this is forever -And that was all she wrote I called on the phone, but... she wrote 그게 그녀가 쓴 전부네. Guess this is...


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