vagueness Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지


틴타임즈 해석좀 부탁요^^

... The vagueness of the verses served two purposes: it avoided his being tried as a magician and it also meant the quatrains could be interpreted to fit numerous situations....


영어번역 부탁드립니다...-법학관련-

... In this Article, Professors Brudney and Clark criticize the vagueness of the various standards currently applied, and argue that a principled doctrine should distinguish, as...


본적의 정의란

... 模糊性(Vagueness)을 제거하기 위해서 우리가 어떤 말의 의미를 알고 있다고 할지라도 그 말의 적용 범위는 분명하지 않을 때, 그 말은 모호하다고 한다. 애매하다...


끝이 ~less, ~ness인 단어

darkness Lightless 등등의 끝이 less이거나 ness, 인 단어 많이 올려주시는분 채택 최대한 많이 올려주세요 내공100 -less...


영어좀 도와주세요...

... 미래 기대의 모호함...? 무엇보다, vague 가 아니고 vagueness 라고 써야해요... 제 생각엔... vagueness of predicting one's career 정도? 수고하세요~


제발 번역좀 도와주세요!!

... the vagueness of expression again made them completely possible. thus, it does not mean that there remains no room 랙 further discussions. all issues are interrelated as a...


영어로 번역 부탁드려요^^

... At first, I chose nurse major in vagueness. But I want to help sick people and provide kindness to others. I want to become a great nurse like Nightingale. I don't have many talents...


EBS인터넷수능영어독해연습 1 2014 1강...

... The vagueness of many slang terms is one reason for their being inappropriate in careful writing. In recent years the word swell has become very popular...


chaos에 관련된 영어단어좀 가르쳐주세요.

... * chaos 1 [보통 C~] (천지 창조 이전의) 혼돈 2 무질서, 대혼란 * nebulosity (사상표현 등의) 애매함(vagueness) * disorder 1 무질서, 혼란; 난잡 2 (사회적정치적)...


내공올인-영문단편소설 The cask of...

... Since a motive is essential in a revenge, the vagueness of the motive here can weaken the validity of Motressor's revenge. 2. To whom is he speaking? The readers....


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