near Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지

The first hydrant near the corner has...

The first hydrant near the corner has been malfunctioning ..이... hydrant near the corner has been malfunctioning ..이... 주어 near the corner - 주어 수식 전치사구 has been...


Near high school

Near high school Near a high school 뭐가 맞고 왜 그런가요?? Near high school Near a high school 뭐가 맞고 왜 그런가요?? -> Near a high school이 맞습니다. high...


please be honest in the near future...

please be honest in the near future for that 정확히 무슨 뜻인가요? ? ?' 어떤... please be honest in the near future for that 정확히 무슨 뜻인가요? ? ?' 그것에...


near by share 블루투스

near by share 사용할려면 컴퓨터가 블루투스 기능이 돼야 하는 걸로 아는데 블루투스 동글이를 사용해서 near by share 이용가능할까요? 이론상으론 가능합니다만 원하시는...

태그: nearbyshare, 블루투스

near/nearly 부사쓰임 질문.

'거의'라는 뜻으로 부사 near이 쓰이는 경우의 예문입니다. [특히 합성어에서] 거의 a near-perfect performance 거의 완벽한 공연[연기] I’m as near certain as can be....


near 부사 전치사 질문 (내공 100)

I learned that 'near' can be used as adjective, adverb and preposition. What I'm curious about is the difference between 'near' as adverb and preposition. near이 형용사, 부사...


인스타그램 near by 릴스

인스타그램 오른쪽 첫 번째 near by 릴스 이거 안 뜨게 할 수 없나요?? 원래 안 떴는데 자꾸 한국 릴스들이 떠서 안 뜨게 하고 싶은데 near by 없애는 법 일려주세요...

태그: 인스타, 인스타그램, 릴스

Samples of ice from near the...

Samples of ice from near the surface of Lake Vostok contain microbes thought to have come... ㅠㅠ 구문분석 좀 부탁드릴게요ㅠㅠ Samples of ice ( from near the surface...


near, nearby 질문

... 아래의 예문에서 near 과 nearby 의 차이점이 뭔가요? -There was almost nothing to do near where I lived. -There are so... near 은 형용사, 부사, 전치사로 사용될 수 있습니다....


near 과 next to

... 하는데(??) near 이랑 next to는 어떻게... is near the park. 라고 해야하나요 The hospital is next to the... The hospital is near the park. 라고 해야하나요 The hospital...


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