last longer 뜻 Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지

영어번역 쫌 부탁드립니다.~~

... I would have liked the nights to last longer. 대충을 알겠는데요 이 말을 미국인 남자애 한테서 들었는데 이말이 저와 밤을 같이 보내고 싶다는 말인가요?(성적으로)...



IE's power efficiendy makes your battery last longer, giving you more time on the web than any othe browser. IE loads JPG images up to 45% quicker. pictures of pretty thigs on the web have...


어법 질문이요

World supplies of natural gas will last a bit longer, and coal for a few centuries. 굵은부분 맞나요? 맞아요ㅋㅋㅋ world supplies of natural gas 가 주어고 will last 자동사...


The Animals and the plague라는 이야기...

... At last the Lion decided to hold a meeting. He made sure that all the animals were... (몸뚱이를 제대로 가누지 못했다는 ) No longer could a fat young hen...


해석 및 설명 부탁해요

Major depression has symptoms that are severe enough to last six months or longer if untreated and that impact on most aspects of a sufferer's life. to last 부분에서 '지속된다' 라고...


통화 가 길어질것같습니다

... will last longer than I had planned" 이렇게 쓰시면 되실꺼에요^^ "planned" 써서 "예상보다"라는 뜻으로 "예상보다 통화가 길어질것 같습니다" "hold on...


영어 일기 뜻이 맞게 해석이 되는지.

... winter vacation is longer then summer vacation but nothing to play. so I study hard... I expect to my life because last years I have bad test so I deside to my test is...


영어 가르쳐주세요

... picnic last Sunday 15 Either you or I must go 16 We make milk into butter 17... 30 You are no longer a child 31 We called at her house 32 He is sure of success 33 I...


문법 질문입니다.ㅋ

(Nevertheless,However) inexpensive, most batteries available today will last much longer than those produced a decade ago. 여기서 답은 however입니다. 그런데...


[숙어]뜻좀 알려주세요,,!

... not ~ any longer ex) Don't worry about the air pollution any longer. stand... take place ex) The car accident took place last night. take up ex) Studying...


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