complict Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지


complicity와 collusio

... 공모, 결탁 (complicities) (senseid)The state of being complicit; involvement as a partner or accomplice, especially in a crime or other wrongdoing. (규정) • (센시드)...


토익 part 5 문법 질문 (내공50)

... Levit) I was preparing to call Vanessa to bring me beer. She's not one of my closest friends but she's the type who will engage with me in a complicit action with great vigor.


영어시험 toeic, toefl, ielts, gre...

... INEFFABLE : EXPLICIT :: A: derisive: complicit B: selective : exclusive C: incontestable : illicit D: depraved : interconnected E: circumscribed : implicit (아마도 이게...


번역 ;;

... are complicit in what likely will go down in history as the greatest financial swindle of all times—the sub-prime securitization fraud. In his history...


영어 해석 질문

... become complicit in feeding on the same market and power structures whose hands it bites 이거 complicit가 연루된 뜻맞죠? 이 문장 어떻게 해석되나요? 네, complicit는...


해석 부탁합니다

... Only in the final 10 minutes did they generate any sustained pressure and, even then, it seemed Arsenal were complicit, dropping deeper and deeper as their fingers grasped...


영문해석 질문입니ㅏㄷ

This sketch truly makes a point that many in the mainstream media won't, namely that Ivanka is complicit in her father's use of racism, sexism and bigotry to win and extend his stay in the...


영어문장(한 문장)에 대한 해석을...

This is facilitated by the fact that the artist prefers to create mostly naked works with closed or averted eyes, causing them to be somewhat complicit in our voyeuristic...


해석해석 해주세요

... Oedipus is enraged by Tiresias's refusal, and says the prophet must be complicit in... s 거부는, 예언자가 살인에서 complicit 이어야 한ㄴ다는 것을...


발음나는데로 해석좀

... Kimchi is pickled cabbage or radish chilli powder, etc actually complicit in the making. Kimchi is our traditional fermented food. Kimchi has anticancer activity and help much...


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