among Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지


Among 복수명사 다음 단수동사를 쓰나요 아니면 복수동사를 쓰나요.. - among 복수명사 다음에는... Among other students, Tom is the smartest. Among the students...


영어문법 Among the worst

Their human rights record remained among the worst, with other abuses taking place in the country. 여기서 among the worst가 '최악의 것' 이라고 해설에 돼있는데 Among의...

태그: 영어문법

as among의 의미

... as among the most notorious in the industry for marketing... as among이 무슨 의미인지 모르겠습니다. 왜 as가 들어가는걸까요? among만 있어도 가장 악명...


among 질문드려요

among the advantage is that numoerous impressions 여기서 among the advantage 를 이점 중 하나 라고 해석할 수... among 질문드려요 among the advantage is that numoerous...


Among the few guests

Among the few guests able to attend last night’s seminar were... among이 앞에 나와서 인가요?? 장소부사구가 앞으로 나올때 도치될 수 있다고 알고있는데 among도...


of energy medicine among the most co

... medicine among the most controversial of complementary and alternative medicine practices. among the most... medicine /among the most controversial of...


fays are among your

fays are among your best friend 전치사구는 무슨 역할이고 몇형식 문장인가요? fays are among your best friend... -> 예문에서의 among your best friends는 동사 are를...


Among 전치사구 질문입니다.

Among the trees are the very special tree that I planted for myself. 해설에 Among이 쓰여서 도치가 된다고... 답변 부탁드리겠습니다 :-) Among the trees are the very...

태그: 영어문법, 영어작문, 어원, 어휘, 독해, 읽기, 생활영어, 회화, 무역, 비지니스

Among the guests wer

Among the guests were the minister and his life 에서 were이... The minister and his life were among the guests . 해석)... (be동사=존재동사) among the guests(전치사구=부사구)...


among의 쓰임

... universities among the few bright spots in a poor economy.... among뜻을 ~가운데 로보시고 잘못아신것같거든요.. 여기서 저 위의 해석대로라면 among은 무슨...


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