accurately 뜻 Qna 관련 답변 7 페이지


... For these client, the rerm high blood pressure more accurately conveys the nature... For these client, the rerm high blood pressure more accurately conveys the nature...


영어숙제 도와주세요 내공 400

... incorrectly <--> accurately 6. informal <--> formal D. Introduction : Winslow Homer's contributions in American painting know as realism. Body 1 : How he started his...


토익문제인데 잘모르겠어서요 어제도...

... The details of management meeting should be accurately ------- in the minutes. (1)... The details of management meeting should be accurately ------- in the minutes. (1)...


try 의미로 가장 적절한것은?

... for example) to separate out impurities ; render 5. to smooth, fit, or align accurately 정답은 3번 입니다. 머 이유는 3번 읽어보시면 알겟네요.


문법 해결 좀;

... great (accurately). 13. (A chemical) plant explosion (has severly polluted) one... great (accurately). 'with + 추상명사'는 부사와 마찬가지로...



... it doesn't c.accurately assess the d.aptitude of their students. 6. The Apollo... it doesn't c.accurately assess the d.aptitude of their students. > b에서의...


영어 해석요.

... He might more accurately have tapped his head and made the same comment, 4.for his most... He might more accurately have tapped his head and made the same comment, 4.for his most...


영어 어휘변형

They think before they act, give up /less/ easily, and work more accurately. 의 less를 바꿔도 같은 뜻이 되는 어휘는 무엇이있나요? 없다고도 하던데.... less 는 /덜...



... Read the interesting stories behind the idioms and find out how accurately you... Read the interesting stories behind the idioms and find out how accurately you...


영어 문법 해설좀 부탁드립니다~!!!!!!

1.Cats have excellent night vision,which enables them to judge distances accurately. 이... Cats have excellent night vision,which enables them to judge distances accurately. 이 문장에서...


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