term paper Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

영어 문장인데 어떤걸 써야하나 몰라서요...

... (Would, Should) you please check this term paper by tomorrow? 5. He proposed that we (raise, raised) money for charity. 6. I don’t have time now. Sarah (could...


영어 한문장 보아주세요~

아래 문장에서, She is in trouble because she lost the disk with her term paper on it. 그녀는 학기말 보고서가 담긴 디스크를 잃어버렸기때문에 곤란하다. on it을...



본 설문지는 [관광안내소 운영실태와 활성화방안]이라는 term paper작성과 관련하여 관광안내소 운영실태 에대해 직접 관광객의 의견을 듣고 이것을 관광안내소...


[내공]4줄 쉬운영작이요

... I would not give him my term paper because I don't think that is work that it helps the friend. ->이렇게 영작하는거 맞는건가요? 틀리면 고쳐주세요.. 6. For...


영어문법문제 답하고 해설 부탁드려요 30

... You cannot _____ expect to get a good grade onyour term paper if you submit it 2 weeks late. (A) realism (B) realistic (C) realistically (D) realize 1. Without the...


영문법 질문이요..

... 명령문 수동태 Write your term paper at once를 명령문 수동태로 바꾸는 과정이 문장 앞에 let를 붙여 let+능동태의 목적어+be+과거분사 형태로 만들어 진다고...


영어 문장들 해석부탁드립다^^..

... Both a term paper and a final exam are required for Chemistry 320. 6. More leisure , as well as an abundance of goods , is attainable through automation. 7. There...


이 영어문장 해석좀 부탁드려요 ㅜㅜ

... The teacher told me to do my term paper over 2. Once you have figured out the answer, let me know 3. The press gave the explorers up for lost 4. The spy gave himself up when he...


영어 문법 문제입니다.

... "What have you to do?" "I want my term paper _________." 1 1) did 2) be done 3) to do 4) done 15. Lightning rarely _________ twice in the same place. 1) is striking 2) strikes 3) does it...


이 영어질문에 대한 답변 부탁드립니다!!...

... 3.When"s the deadline gor the term paper? 4.Do you work part time? 5.How did you do on your exam? 6.How were your grades this term? 7.What are you majoring in? 8.Did you sign...


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