spares Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

깔끔한 해석부탁드립니다.

The items requested, if for spares(제품군이름) could only be quoted in Korea via our direct and exclusive agents, being Specs corporation, therefore we must decline your request. 가격요청 거절...


시마노 구동계 호환질문이요

... GpX_H-RyQXuXHwokV1vK3mRh6taZGwQNxsC-D_yyUTlVeRHNgX22BoCCqwQAvD_BwE > > >


<spare> 의 뜻이요, 네이버 영어사전에...

... <돈·노력을> 아껴서 안 쓰다, 아끼다, 절약하다 spare no expense 비용을 아끼지 않다 He spares no pains to please her. 그는 그녀를 즐겁게 하기 위해서는 어떤...


영어 문장 질문이요

..., which spares the plants. ..., 곧 작물이 (피해를) 면하게 해준다. spare 뜻이 (피해 등을) 면하게 해주다 인데 그럼 which makes the plants spare 같이 해야 하는 거...


영어 문법 좀 알려주세요!

... * Audiences are spared the waiting [common to everyday life] - Someone / spares / Audiences[간목] / the waiting [common to everyday life][직목] - spare A B / A를 위해 B를...

태그: 영어, 영문법

영어문장좀 마디마디 나눠주시요~ㅜ...

... He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.... He who spares the rod /hates his son, /but he who loves him /is careful to discipline...


번역 부탁합니다...

... and spares, electrical and installations, berthing and anchoring gear, etc. are... and spares, electrical and installations, berthing and anchoring gear, etc. are...


영어 좀 해석해 주세요~~^^;;

... Carnitine supposedly "burns" fat and spares glycogen during endurance events, but in reality it does neither 답변을 드리겠습니다. 직독 직해 카르니틴 : 불필요한 영양소...


급 해석 내공드림

... Please let me know if you would like to purchase the spares. We can offer 20... Please let me know if you would like to purchase the spares. 만약 여분의 것을...


영어를 잘하시는분의 의견이 필요합니다

... Spares and repair equipment shall be provided for life saving appliances and their components which are subject to (excessive wear) or consumption and need to be replaced with regularly. 1. The act...


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