rule of thumb Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

at the mercy ofthumb

스페인 인사법

... A handshake is the rule of thumb, though.2023. 8. 26. 스페인 사람들은 서로 어떻게 인사하나요? 스페인 사람들은 양 볼에 뽀뽀를 하며 서로...


타임지 한단락만 번역부탁할께요...

... The rule of thumb here is to give antibiotics within eight or nine days of the onset of symptoms, which is why you can afford to wait for the results of a throat...


영어작문 첨삭 부탁합니다~!! (어색한...

... Therefore, firsthand experience is the general rule of thumb to get to know a country. Some people who believe that going to museum is the only key to...

태그: 영작, 영어, 영어작문, 작문, 문법, 단어

번역기말고 번역부탁드립니다

... The development of a science for each element of man's work to replace old rule-of-thumb methods. 2. The scientific selection, training, and development of workers...


전치사 + 관계대명사

... What are friends for 처럼 2번처럼 쓰는 경우도 많지만 the rule of thumb by which he abides 처럼 1번의 경우도 있습니다. 하지만 by which 를 쓰기 보다 the rule of thumb he abides by 로...


영어 번역 부탁드립니다.

... another good rule of thumb, which is mentioned in SWR!, is to drink at least one pint of chilled water per hour while on the water, plus taking fluids before and...


해석 해석 부탁합니다.

... a useful rule of thumb is that daylighting can be effective for task illumination up to a depth of twice the height of a window. the ceiling and back wall of a...


영어 해석 좀 해주세요 ㅠ

... and this has now become a rule of thumb. 이제 이것이 경험에서 오는 법칙이 되었다. (주) rule of thumb이라고 하면 대충이긴 하지만 실제 또는...


좀 원어민이 쓰는것처럼 자연스럽게...

... 영어표현으로 바꿔주세요 wake up late during vacation is rule of thumb. 정도 될것같아요 원어민들이 쓰는 rule of tumb이 당연한거다 이런뜻이거든요


영어 해석 좀 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ

... Of course, the Pareto Principle should always be considered no more than a rule of thumb. And while it may provide a quick way to analyze sales or other business situations, it...


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