ordinance Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지


I-485 제출시 한국 범죄기록...

... or ordinance, excluding traffic violations? (교통법규 위반 외 법률 위반해서 체포... or ordinance, excluding traffic violations? (교통법규 위반 외 법률 위반해서 체포...


영어 해석좀여 ㅜ..ㅜ 내공 100ㅜ.ㅜ

... Yesterday marked the 50 year anniversary of the first lighting ordinance ever... Yesterday marked the 50 year anniversary of the first lighting ordinance ever enacted...


영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다 ~~~ 내공 다검

... control ordinance "prohibits smoking in all public places in the city of calabasas... " 라고 말했다 The Comprehensive Second-hand smoke control ordinance "prohibits...


해석해주세요! 부탁합니다!

... She was tried and convicted of violating a local ordinance. Her act sparked a... She was tried and convicted of violating a local ordinance. 그녀는 지역...


해석좀 부탁드립니다.

... "Law" shall mean any law, statute, regulation, ordinance, requirement... "Law" shall mean any law, statute, regulation, ordinance, requirement, announcement or...


독도 지문 영어독해 하는데 진짜 도저히...

... Article 2 of Ordinance No.24[Order to Desifnate islands Under Pissession] of the Prime... Article 2 of Ordinance No.24[Order to Desifnate islands Under Pissession] of the Prime...


헌법/법률/명령/조례/규칙을 영어로 하면?

... 영어로 하면 어떻게 되나요? 헌법: Constitution 법률: Law or Statute 명령: Order or Executive Order 조례: Ordinance 규칙: Regulation



... Pursuant to section 14(1) of the Entertainment Special Effects Ordinance, approval is... Entertainment Special Effect Ordinance의 14.(1)항에 근거하여, “이...


영어독해 지문 해석 부탁해요 (내공 100)

... comprehensive ordinance covering the wise use of water in our town. the new... comprehensive ordinance covering the wise use of water in our town. 이는...



An Ordinance of 1962 established the Sabah Park Trustees with the purpose of... An Ordinance of 1962 established the Sabah Park Trustees with the purpose of conserving...


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