no sooner Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

No sooner A than B /

No sooner A than B / Hardly, Scarcely 이 문장 앞에 왔을 때 주어와 동사가 도치되는 이유가 무엇인가요? ex) No sooner had we sat down at the table...


No sooner than

독해문제중에 Impression that no sooner is a problem stated than the answer is forthcoming 라는 구절이 나오는데 no sooner than 은 had 주어 pp 쓰는것 아닌가여?...


No sooner had I told myself to forget

No sooner had I told myself to forget it than I had a thought... 이거, No sooner~than의 동의어 사용해서, 뜻은같게, 이거 작문좀 해주세요,, _ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...


No sooner가 들어간 문장 분석

No sooner had he met her than he ran away. 이 문장 단어 하나하나 분석해 주세요. 원래의 문장은 "He had no sooner met her than he ran away." 입니다. <그가 도망을 간...


No sooner had we sat

No sooner had we sat cross-legged on the dining mats when I began to receive the first smiles and laughter of the day. 시제편 문제인데 이 문장에서 had we sat / cross...

태그: 문제풀이

No sooner ~ than 에 대한 질문..

... no sooner ~ than 에 대해서 나오더군요. ---------------------------------------------------------- <주의!> As soon as he saw the policeman, he ran away. 시제가 앞, 뒤 모두 과거...


No sooner did the manager

No sooner did the manager leave on vacation than the most important client walked in seeking an urgent consultation. 에서 왜 No sooner 다음에 the manager did가...


No sooner than 도치

No sooner did the lawyer scrutinize the extortion note than she called the police. 여기에서 왜 no sooner부분인 종속절에서 도치가 일어나나요? Only if a teacher has given...


no sooner~ than~ 해석 어떻게 하죠?

no sooner + had + S + p.p than + S + V 여기서 S + V 하자마자 had + S + p.p 하다에요? had + S + p.p 하자마자 S + V 하다에요? 안녕하세요. No sooner + had + S...


No sooner A than B 구문해석좀요!

No sooner had I left home than I was followed by someone. 해석부탁드려요.ㅎ No sooner had I left home than I was followed by someone. 해석부탁드려요.ㅎ => 내가...


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