my mother told me Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지


... (My mother told me to open the window) (1)everybody looked happy (2)the sun is shining brightly (3)they entered the restaurant (4)i believed him a great leader (5)he...


3학년 기초 ;; 영어

... 13.My mother told me cime home early. 14.I want yiu listen to me carefully. 15.I was tired so that I couldn't get up early thid morning. 16.It is difficult of...


영어 문장 번역, 틀린 문장 고치기...

... -> 3.틀린 부분을 고치시오 -My mother told me dont eat fast food. 1.그녀는 호주에 가본적이 있다 She (_has ) (_been ) ( to_) Australia. 2.너는 그리스...


영어 문법 질文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... 3. My mother told me to go to bed early. 4. He did not study as harder as I did. 5. You can be good friends with both the boy or your best friend. 2. 다음 중 어법상 잘못된...


문장 3개 좀 봐주세여

... 내가 빨리 먹는 것을 보시더니 천천히 먹으라고 하셨다. => 분사구문을 활용하면 자연스러워요 =>Seeing me eat fast, my mother told me to eat slowly.


초6영어 풀어주세요.

... My mother told me English. (study) 45. The lady asked us her car. (push) 46. He gave up the problem. (solve) 47. We want the bus. (catch) 48. They enjoyed in...


문장 해석좀요

... It was only ater years that my mother told me the truth. 12. He is no less productive that he was twenty years age. 13.The artist who sincerely expressed feelings of...



... My mother told me English. (study) 93. We saw a flag in the sky. (fly) 94. I made him the ring. (look for) 95. Su-mi looked at me . (skate) 96. He had the...



... that my mother told me how anxious this singularity in me used to make her. She would miss me when looking out to see what the children were doing, and I would be called...


중2 영어 질문..내공....

... My mother told me to stay home. 2. I wanted my friends to come over to my house 3. I asked her to cook for us. 4. My friend likes to play baseball. 5. I enjoy to play...


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