it has Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

it have

It has become ten ye

It has become ten years since i saw her last. 틀린게 becomes로 바꿔야 맞나요!? 그리고 It did not take long before new troubles arose. 틀린이유가 뭔가여!?...

태그: 영어문법

It has been a tough

It has been a tough time, these last few months, hasn't it? 이문장에서 these last few months 는 문장구성 성분이뭔가요? 그리고 왜 앞에 콤마가 붙나요? 이문장에서...


It has been estimate

It has been estimated that more than a million tons of food is thrown away each year because it remains stuck inside a bottle. 여기에 나온 문법 다알려주세요ㅠㅠ It...


it was 와 it has 다른점

... it has become part of the my life 내삶의 일부분이 되었다. 뭐가 다른가요? 만약에 문법이 틀렷다면 it was 랑 it has 랑 뭐가다른가여ㅛ? it was become part of...


It has rained for

It has rained for two weeks. 비가 현재에도 계속 오고 있다는 의미라는데 비가 막 방금까지 왔다는 완료의 의미는 안되나요? 그런 완료의 의미라면, It has just...


It has been discover

It has been discovered that horses are very good at what? 이 문장이 What has been discovered that horses are very good at? 이 문장으로 대체될 수 있나용? it은 가주어입니다....


it 다음에 has/have?

... It has arms. (평서문) It doesn't have arms. (부정문) 부정문에 사용되는 does는 조동사에요. 조동사는 모든 것을 다 가져가기 때문에 뒤에는 꼭 동사원형이 와야...


It has 뒤에 복수형이 올 수 있나요??

형광펜으로 밑줄친 저 문장 주어가 it 이라 have 말고 has 3인칭 단수 동사로 받는데 왜 다음으로 나오는 단어는 복수인가요...? has 를 썼으니까 뒤에는 단수가 나와야...

태그: 중학교영어, 영문법질문

It has pushed aside gods and demons...

It has pushed aside gods and demons and revealed a cosmos more intricate and awesome than anything produced by pure imagination. a cosmos (which is) 생략 된...


1. [It has been sugg

... [It has been suggested that we practice the simple but effective efforts to save our Earth from the devastating Global warming.]에서 to save의 to가...


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