father Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

My father is prepari

My father is preparing dinner 수동태로 바꿔주세요 Dinner is being prepared by my father.


My father remained p

My father remained poor all his life 몇형식인지랑 이유도 알려주세요 My father(주어) remained(동사) poor(보어) / all his life(수식어). 2형식입니다.

태그: 영어문법

I'm the only father my children have

I'm the only father my children have. 이 문장에서 have 뒤에 단어가 와야되는데... I'm the only father whom my children have. = I'm the only father who my children have. = I...


my father drives his car very slowly...

my father drives his car very slowly 부정문, 의문문으로 바꿔주세요 부정문: my father doesn't drives his car very slowly 의문문: does my father drives...

태그: 문제풀이

Father has been to the station

Father went to the station , and he has come back. = Father has been to the station. 과거에... Father went to the station , and he has come back. │ 과거 │ * Father went to the station...


I konw the building which my father...

I konw the building which my father works 이 문장이 왜 틀린문장이죠?... I know the building in which my father works. I know the building which my father works...

태그: 영어문법

Her father let her go abroad.

Her father let her go abroad. 그녀의 아버지는 그녀가 외국에 가는 것을 허용했다. Her father (주어) 그녀의... Her father let her go abroad. 그녀의 아버지는 그녀가 외국에...


Do they like father and son?

Do they like father and son? Are they like father and son? 어떤게 맞는거죠?? 둘 다 맞을... (일단, 정답은, 맞는 문장은 2번째 문장 입니다.) Do they like father and son? ▶ 해석...


the age I was when my father died...

He is nearly ten years old, the age I was when my father... my father died.(부사절) the age when when I was ten years... my father died. He is nearly ten years old, the age (그...


My father gives me c

My father gives me card and card makes me happy 위 문장도 가능한가요? My father gives me card and card makes me happy... My father gives me a card and the card makes me happy 와...


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