correct Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

correct 가 먼가요?

correct가 어떤 뜻이 있나요? Put the verb in the correct form, positive or negative. 여기서는 어떻게 쓰였으며 전체적으로해석하면 어떻게되나요? Correct : (사실과)...


Fill in the blanks with the correct...

Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive... Complete the following answers with the correct... Complete the following answers with the correct...


Which are correct ac

Which are correct according to the passage above? Choose one. 은 문제 제목인데요, which를 이런 경우 어떻게 해석해야하나요? which = 어떤 것(어느 것) <해석> 위의...

태그: 문제풀이

Everything is not correct. Everything...

Everything is not correct. Everything is incorrect. 위에 두 문장이 해석 시 다르게... in‧cor‧rect 1 not correct or true: The information you gave us was incorrect. 글쎄요...틀렸어...랑......


people think is correct 인 영어단어가

영영풀이가 to act in the way that people think is correct 인 영어단어가 뭔가요 같은 뜻인 단어가 여러개 있겠지만은 proper 이라는 단어가 어울려 보이네요...

태그: 영어, 영단어, 영어단어, 영영풀이

Rewrite the sentence using the correct...

Rewrite the sentence using the correct plural forms. A fee is a some of money that you... Rewrite the sentence using the correct plural forms. 정확한 복수형태를...


politically correct 표현의 수많은...

politically correct 표현들이란 인종 ,연령 혹은 sexual... 그리고 politically correct는 대개 Political... 그런 용어를 가리킬 때는 politically correct terminology라고...


Correct the sentence

Correct the sentences. (올바른 문장으로 수정해주세요)1. "what you like to drink?" " I have a coffe, please."2. Where are the fitting rooms? I like try on...


[내공100!]please insert the correct...

... 설치다 하고 실행하니 please insert the correct CD-ROM.... the correct CD-ROM. select OK and restart application... the correct CD-ROM. select OK and restart application 이런거는요......


collect correct 발음 차이

Collect 와 correct 발음좀 정확히 알려주세요 사전으로 발음을 들어도 구분이 안가요 ㅠ ㅜ Collect =컬렉터 correct =커렉트.


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