candidate Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

관계대명사 질문

... The candidate lost the election. I voted for her... 2. The candidate lost the election. I voted for her =>The candidate who I vote for lost the election....

태그: 목적격, 관계대명사, 문법, 영어

영어 문장 분석해주세요 ㅠㅠ

He was the first presidential candidate to fully use television... presidential candidate(S.C) + 후치수식 형용사구 [to... presidential candidate : 그는 첫 번째 대통령 후보였다...


이 문장들 맞나요 틀렸나요

... Whichever candidate receives the fewest votes leaves out of the next round, unless another candidate wins more... - Whichever candidate receives the fewest votes leaves...



The voters have to decide ㅡㅡㅡ candidate has greater appeal... ㅡㅡㅡ candidate has greater appeal ㅡㅡㅡ에... -> 가산명사의 단수형인 candidate를 한정하는...


David Bowie-Sweet thing candidate...

제목 : sweet thing/ candidate /sweet thing It's safe in the... Two: Candidate] I'll make you a deal, like any other candidate We'll pretend we're walking home 'cause your future's...

태그: 번역

영어 어법 문제 풀어주세요

... About a quarter of the voters are known to choose the candidate in last week's... known to choose the candidate in last week's election. to choose -> to have chosen

태그: 영어문법, 영어어법, 영어문제, 영어, 영어문제풀이, 영어문제풀어주세요, 영어문제도와주세요

영문법 질문

... which candidate has the greater appeal. which 이하가... which candidate has the greater appeal. which 이하가... -> 엄밀하게 말하면 가산단수명사인 candidate의 한정사가...

태그: 영문법질문

candidate과vote는 무슨 뜻이에요?

제가 목요일까지 어떤 숙제가 있는데요 candidate와vote는 무슨 뜻인가요? 목요일... 총 투표수 등 표란 뜻을 가지고있고 candidate는 입후보자 후보자 지원자 ......


영어문장 해석 해주세요 (번역기 x)

Worse, voters may be tricked into believing a certain candidate is podular and into... certain candidate is popular and into supporting him or her. 심지어...

태그: 영어해석

elect 3형식

The Republican candidate (elected/ was elected) governor of Florida. 위 같은 문장에서... The Republican candidate (elected/ was elected) governor of Florida. 위 같은 문장에서...


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