1hours Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지

While each day lasts for 24 hours.

... 설명 부탁드려요.^^ 1. While each day lasts for 24 hours 하루가 24 시간임에 반하여, 하루가 24 시간이지만. while은 다른 것과의 차이를 나타내는...


영어 작문 문의 드립니다.(내공100점)

... And, my wife washes the dishes for 1hours. And then, We plays games with my children. At around 1, We has lunch 이런 식으로 쓸려고 하는데 노란색...


I have been around for 4 hours.의...

I have been around for 4 hours. 는 현재완료의 용법중 어디에 해당하나요? 해석도... 1.경험 : 경험을 나타내고 ~한적이 있다 라고 해석한다. I have been to Ameria....


a few hours after , after a few hours...

1 She fainted and returned to herself a few hours after. 2 One hour after, she was still sitting. 3 He left after a few hours. 4 After a mile, you come to a small bridge. 질문 좀...


to remain unlocked during business hours.

1. This door to remain unlocked during business hours. 이 문장이 해석이 안되네요.. 동사가 무엇인지를 찾지 못하겠어요.;;; 제 생각에는 remain이 동사 같은데 앞에 to...


How many hours do you go to school?...

펜팔친구한테 온건데 뭔말인지 ㅋ 해석좀해주세요 학교가는데 몇시간이 걸리냐 이 말인거 같은데요 아마 맞을거예요 how 는 얼마나 many 많은 hours 시간 (1시간) do...


i wll be studying 3 hours tomorrow

1.I will studying 3 hours tomorrow 2.he will be staying at home all day tomorrow 1번과2번문장이각각미래의특정시점에진행중일거라는추측의용법으로쓰였나요아님...


They work eight hours on weekdays...

They work eight hours on weekdays they 는 주어 work 는 동사 on weekdays 는 수식어고... eight hours 의 역할은 뭔가요?... 근데 they = eight hours 도 아니고............................


workers have had their work hours...

... work hours reduced 이렇게 쓴 걸까요 have/has+사물 목적어+과거분사; 1)유리할 땐; ~을 시키다 2) 불리할 땐: ~을 당하다로 해석하면 됩니다. 1) I had my hair cut...


to spend hours browsing 이문장 해석

... 추가 1. Scientists say (that 생략) ~ say 이하 that 절에서 접속사 that 생략 -> 과학자들은 ~라고 말한다. 2. the reason (why 생략) women love to spend hours...


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