키즈타임즈 Qna 관련 답변 6 페이지


키즈타임즈해석(내공잇슴) ♡급해요♡

What time do you usually get up in the morning? Many people find it hard to wake up early. Some children are often late for school because they sleep in. But it is important...


키즈타임즈//민지의일기 해석해주세요

Min-ji's Diary Friday, July 7, 2006 Hot Dear Diary, Today I went fishing with my family. I took my new fishing rod and camera, too! When we arrived at sea, we got onto a...


키즈타임즈 해석

Interesting Facts about American Money ===================================================================== American currency plays an important role in the world economy. But...


키즈 타임즈 해석 부탁..

해석점요... Who Was Salvador Dali? Salvador Dali was born in Spain in 1904. When Dali was young, his parents wanted him to become a school teacher. However, Dali had always...


키즈타임즈 영어신문 해석이요~!!

How Much Do You Know about your Bones? You have many bones inside your body. Your bonds are playing many important roles for you. Thanks to your bones, you can walk, run, and dance!...


키즈타임즈 해석좀 해주세요^0^

do you know when boys start getting taller and heavier than girls? according to the jeollanam-do ministry of education, boys start to outgrow girls in both height and weight at...


키즈 타임즈 해석좀...

해석 좀 해주세요. (빠르면 빠를 수록 좋음) 내공 냠냠 신고합니다. Which side do you take when walking? For almost 90 years, Koreans habitually...


키즈 타임즈

Teens Can' t Communicate without Emoticons An emoticon is a mixed word using emotion and icon. It is widely used by teenagers these days. It became one of the ways for...


키즈타임즈 영어 해석 좀 해주세요 ^^

In a land lost to time, across a vast kingdom of high mountains and beautiful forests, there lived a merchant. He had been married for 12 years, but he had only one child, a daughter...


키즈타임즈 해석좀요 ㅠ

Everyone wants to live a happy life. But we often encounter various difficulties in our daily lives. Some people just sit back and complain about the situation. But some people try...


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