sea ocean Qna 관련 답변 53 페이지


두문장만 번역해주세요!!내공 채택 바로함!!

... Bering Sea. North Pacific Ocean waters are now the most acidic in the global ocean (DFO 2008), with possible severe consequences for cold water corals on the coast. 급해서요...


영작 질문

... Nin wants them to have a microplastic-free ocean I hope they have sea without micro plastics. Because I do not want them to eat micro plastics. Please let me know if it's the...


저...오대양육대주를 갈켜주세요

... 영어 표기 : 대서양 : Atlantic Ocean 인도양 : Indian Ocean 태평양 : Pacific Ocean 북극해 : North Sea 남극해 : Antarctic Ocean 6대주 6대륙은 아시아, 아메리카(북아메리카...


비행기에 물건싣는 단어?

... @ 해상운송은(carriage by sea, shipping, ocean shipping, ocean transportation, marine transportation)이란 해상에서 선박을 이용하여 인간 및 재화의 장소적,공간적 이전을...


영어 독해 질문좀 드립니다 __독해이동p65

65 Warming temperatures and loss of oxygen in the sea will shrink hundreds of fish... the ocean. At the same time, ~ 1) even more than previously thought, 에서...


ocean과 관사

... the ocean = the sea 큰 바다를 가리키는 일반적인 명사로, the를 붙여서 씁니다. an ocean 그 자체로만 사용할 경우, 구체적으로 어떤 바다인지 모르는...


쉬운거에요! 짧은문장 ㅠ

... [이럴땐 Sea 보다 Ocean 을 더 추천하겠습니다.] 힘들거나 어렵지 않다. Not exacting and not difficult. 이를 전문으로 치료하고 연구하는 사람 # a person who...



Hi shiho I went to the ocean on last sunday. the sea was very very pleasure. Japan is very hot too I want to go to the sea again. I bought a comic today I read comics to take it easy...


셀수없는명사 100개

... sea 7. ocean 8. sky 9. area 10. world 11. rain 12. snow 13. light 14. ice 15. electicity 16. dark 17. wind 18. fire 19. sonic 20. movement 21. growth 22. boredom 23. physic 24. biologhy 25....


독해좀 해주세요 (내공)드림 번역시 사절~

... every ocean becomes the dead sea. It would make sense, you could argue, to give the fish enough time to grow to full size, and reproduce, then catch them in a way that...


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