resulting in Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


which resulted in변형??

,which resulted in 이 ,resulting in 으로 바뀔 수 있는건가요?? 그냥 의미가 같아서 가능한가요?? 가능하며 같은 뜻입니다. which resulted in~은 절이고 resulting...


문법 질문입니다

영어 문장 중에서 ,resulting in 같은 ,ing는 무슨 용도인가요? 네이버 전문 지식IN 나이트뷰 입니다. 문의로 남겨주신 내용에 대해 정성스럽게 답변...


목적격 관계대명사

... Nevertheless, he did not give up and continued his collaboration with American pharmaceutical companies, in which he believed, resulting in the successful production of...



resulting in multiple readings of the same part에서 multiple 을 many로 바꿔야하나요 much로 바꿔야 하나요?? "Multiple"은 "여러 개의" 또는 "다수의"를 의미하며, "many...


영어번역 부탁해요

... Sample Who Perpetrated Violence Resulting in Injuries to Others 2. Perpetrators Who Caused Injuries 3. Sample Who Reported Victimization Resulting in Injuries to...


effects will combine to reduce the in

Economic analysis has estimated that these effects will combine to reduce the incomes of smallholder farmers and poor urban consumers under future climates, resulting in higher...


In some clinical and

... This situation has the potential of resulting in an conflict between legal and ethical requirements.One important distinction is between "test data" and "test...


영어 서술형 부분점수

Experiencing success without any failure often leads to arrogance and carelessness, resulting in an unexpected disaster 이게 답이고 Experiencing success without failure...

태그: 영어문법, 영어내신, 영어번역, 영어해석, 고등영어, 영어

영어 구문 분석

In December, President James Polk announced that the gold reports were true, resulting in people from as far away as Australia and China moving to San F rancisco in 1849. 1. resulting는 분사구문도...



... and resulting in a rapid increase in sales. 저 which is가 관계대명사인가요? For example, an Airline which is from America, an advertisement...


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