reflected Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


영어 문장구조 어려운 거

It is our own features that we see reflected flatteringly back.... 질문2) reflected 뜻과, flatteringly 뜻과 back 뜻... see reflected flatteringly back. 질문1) 가주어 진주어...


번역좀 해주세요..

... Kindly wait for another 48 Hours for it to be reflected into your account. 며칠전에 게임재화 결제한것을 환불을 신청했는데, 게임재화만 빠져나가고 아직 돈은...


영어문장 해석) 이거 도치인가요?

Yet as natural as this way of thinking is, you will not find it reflected in science. 앞... Yet/ as natural as this way (of thinking) is, you will not find it reflected in science....


영어 번역 질문(넷플릭스 홀로코스트)

... ourselves reflected back. 제 생각엔 우리가 거울을 봤을 때 올렌도르프 같은... because we don't want to look in the mirror and see ourselves reflected back." 왜냐하면 우리는...


영어 한 문장 질문요

... not reflected. 여기에서 limitation 뒤에 in that 이라고 나와요 이걸 보면... not reflected. in that 은 '~라는 점에서' 라고 해석합니다. 뒤에는...


해석 부탁드립니다.

... Resonance is caused by the fact that the sound waves reflected from the closed end of the... Resonance is caused by the fact that the sound waves reflected from the closed end of the...

태그: 해석, 영어해석, 영어, 공명

영어 문법 틀린것

one of the famous men of ancient times was socrates,his teachings are reflected in Plato's writings. 여기서 was랑 are reflected 동사 두개가 나와서 저는 are reflected를...


영어 문법 질문이요.

... 2.Because of the environment being thus reflected in our... 과거분사 reflected로 수식하는건 가능한가요?... Because of the environment being thus reflected in our...


영어 문장 구조 제대로 아는 분이

It is our own features that we see reflected flatteringly back.... It is our own features that we see ( ) reflected flatteringly... features reflected flatteringly back. s v o oc : 5형식문장...


문장 이상한거 아닌가요

동사가 어떻게 두개 나오죠 The bridge is reflected in the... 동사가 어떻게 두개 나오죠 The bridge is reflected in... is reflected(과거분사) in the river. is+reflected : 수동태...


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