realistically Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


영어문법 문제 한개만 더 가르쳐 주시면...

People who think of themselves as realistically tend to take it for granted that human... People who think of themselves as realistically tend to take it for granted that human nature...


아두이노 레이싱휠 월래대로 돌아가는거

... The first place he looked was an old printer, but the DC motor he scavenged from it didn’t have enough torque to make the controller behave realistically, so he...


그림이나 예술 관련된 영어...

... **Lifelike**: Used when something is drawn so realistically it looks almost real. - Example: "The flowers in this painting are so lifelike." 8. **Touch the...


번역좀 도와주세요....

... all realistically and delicately sculpted in high and low relief, it is... With the surrounding portrayals of gods, Bodhisattvas and disciples, all realistically and...


이거 문제좀 풀어주십쇼 ㅠㅠㅠ

... 1.realistically 2.relevantly 3.prosperously 4.personally The newly redesigned web... 1.realistically 2.relevantly 3.prosperously 4.personally l 의미적으로...


영어 문제 질문이요!

... but, realistically, your're booked the entire... you would have been better off being realistically... but, realistically, your're booked the entire weekend...


어법 질문이에요

... 주어 Most people are able to 동사 realistically gauge 목적 the actual level of threat that(목적격 관계사) scary stimuli pose {원래 목적어 자리} to them and...


영어 틀린거 있는지 봐주세요

... In short, it is called CG, and it is made to make artificial characters such as games and movies move realistically. As a production process, the actor...


번역부탁드려요 내공 만땅드릴 께요...

... risks realistically can approach crisis management preparedness as a proactive... risks realistically can approach crisis management preparedness as a proactive...


번역 부탁

... Realistically, very few people can live contentedly without the approval of... Realistically, very few people can live contentedly without the approval of others....


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