peaceful Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

5형식 문장의 동사로 사용된건가요?

... A green or blue designed space creates a peaceful... a peaceful atmosphere that can help with focused... 목적어 a peaceful atmosphere 수식어구 that절 3형식

태그: 영문법, 5형식, 동사

영어문법 질문들

I have been carried quietly onto a calm,peaceful shore, and the dream, and its... calm,peaceful shore, and the dream, and its meaning , / has broken over me 윗 문장...


영어 발음 알려주세요 2

... exhausted peaceful gloomy discouraged doubtful sympathetic enthusiastic desperate... 피스풀 (peaceful) 글루미 (gloomy) 디스커리지드 (discouraged)...



... slow, peaceful bath, with scented soap. 여기서 틀린부분 2개... slow, peaceful bath, with scented soap. / to rise - rising take - taking - 동명사를...

태그: 급해요

급해요 급해요 어버버

The sky means freedom and the peaceful village means to... "The sky means freedom and the peaceful village means to... "The sky symbolizes freedom, and the peaceful village...


and peaceful.이 문장 틀린거없는

because i want to the world is safer and peaceful.이 문장 틀린거없는 문장인가요?? 틀린 문장입니다. because i want the world to be safer and peaceful.


영문장 독해 해석이요~

... As heroes, we have the power to make a peaceful future. So, from now on, let's try... As heroes, we have the power to make a peaceful future. 영웅으로서, 우리는...


영어 수행 과제 첨삭해주세요......

... me peaceful. Third, My favorite food is tteokbokki because I enjoy spicy... me peaceful views with no strings attached. Last but not least, my favorite...

태그: 영어, 문법, 급합니다, 빨리요, 제발요, 첨삭, 부탁드려요

영어 첨삭부탁드립니다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

... me peaceful. Third, My favorite food is tteokbokki because I enjoy spicy... I like snow because it looks soft and makes me feel peaceful. Third, my...

태그: 영어, 문법

영작 문법 오류 검사해주세요

... This is because the house will be more peaceful. I promise to be kind to all... more peaceful home environment). I promise to be kind to all my family in the...


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