merchandise Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

영어 문장구조

what happened to the merchandise you said would arrive on... the merchandise (which) [you said] would arrive on June 2?... the merchandise를 수식합니다 3. you said는...


어법 질문이에요

... allowed merchandise to be exchanged or refunded.에서 틀린부분... allowed merchandise to be exchanged or refunded.에서 틀린부분 고쳐주세요...


문장 구조 질문

All merchandise is inspected to guarantee it meets our quality... All merchandise is inspected to guarantee it meets our quality standards. All merchandise is inspected 모든...

태그: 영어, 토익

영어 문장구조 질문

Kerilyn Fashion saves you time in product producion so that your merchandise gets to market... Kerilyn Fashion saves you time in product producion so that your merchandise gets to market...

태그: 영어문장분석

영어 질문

... and merchandise. (A) exclusive (B) excludes (C) exclude (D) exclusively 이... Members receive (exclusive) access to discounts on tickets and merchandise. 빈칸은 다음의...


가산 불가산 명사 질문

... equipment나 merchandise가 있던데 상품 한 개 두 개 셀... merchandise가 있던데 상품 한 개 두 개 셀 수 있는 거 아닌가요? 왜 불가산인지.. -> equipment나 merchandise...


관계사 생략

질문1) What happen to the merchandise you said would go on... 질문2) What happen to the merchandise would go on a... What happens to the merchandise you said would go on a sale?...


모르는문제 상세히 풀이해주세요

each of the car에 s붙는 이유랑 much other merchandise is on display에서 much를 쓰는... other merchandise is on display에서 much를 쓰는 이유는 뭔가요? =>much는...


토익 영어 해석 질문

Merchandise may be returned for placement within seven day from... ㅠㅠ Merchandise may be returned for replacement within seven... 맞다면, Merchandise may be returned 여기서 조동사 may...

태그: 영어질문, 영어해석질문, 토익질문

In case you are inte

... merchandise we have, we have enclosed a full list of our products with this letter.... merchandise가 단수명사니까요 merchandise는 단수의 형태지만 실상은 불가산...


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