inherited Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


영어 문법 질문입니다

... But (A)might they not have inherited their power from the demons, with whom the... But (A)might they not have inherited their power from the demons, with whom the first...

태그: 영문법, 조동사, 영어, 문법

번역 자연스럽게 고쳐주세요

... The earth where we live on wasn't inherited on by your ancestors but borrowed from... The earth where we live on wasn't inherited on by your ancestors but borrowed from your...


이 문장에서 사진에 있는 문법 조건 다...

... Firstly, it is interesting to note that trauma itself is not inherited across... 관계대명사: - "it is interesting to note that trauma itself is not inherited...


학생인데 영어문법이 어려워서...

... 9.As wealth is inherited, income inequality grows. 10.The inherited capital is bound to undermine a... As wealth is inherited, income inequality grows. => as는...


영어 문법질문

... have inherited from Spain. 제가 알기론 ,which나오면 뒤에 바로 동사가... have inherited from Spain. 제가 알기론 ,which나오면 뒤에 바로 동사가 나오는...


inherit 질문

If leadership ability is inherited, 해설지(리더십 능력이 유전되는 것이라면,) 여기서 inherited 는 형용사... 여기서 inherited 는 형용사 인가요 수동태인가요.. 왜...


영어 질문있어요

All behavior has an inherited basis, but strictly speaking it is only a pontentiality inherited. 여기 문장에서 inherited 가 a pontentiality를 수식하는 분사 인가요?...


영어 문법 분석 어려운데 도와주세요

... 9.As wealth is inherited, income inequality grows. 10.The inherited capital is... 9.As wealth is inherited/, income/ inequality grows. ad.절, S ad. V 부가...


영어문법 문장해석

Much to my surprise and delight, my daughter has inherited my love of reading and likes me to... has inherited my love of reading 내 딸은 독서에 대한 나의 열정을...


having p.p? having been p.p?

Well, not having (been inherited, inherited) a long, slender body from my parents could be what... 이 문장에서 having been inherited, having inherited인지 헷갈려요ㅜ !1 답은 having...


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