how sweet 해석 Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

외국친구가 부탁했는데 영어 해석에...

... I cant believe how sweet other brands are compared to this one. Imagine all the bacteria that grow in your mouth because of the sugar left from the toothpaste. I love...


영어 해석좀 부탁할께염..^-^a

... 이 영어 해석을 아주 잘 해주시는 분께 먼저 감사를... "How sweet!" said Wendy. "Yes, I am sweet!" said Peter in his conceited way. They...


영어 해석좀 부탁드려요 ㅠ_-!

... 의 뜻 3.How sweet of you! 의 속뜻 , pre , con , sub, -less , -ful , tele , ex 의 의미 , we , you , they 의 특별한 쓰임 오늘 안에 가르쳐주세요 , ㅠ_-! 급함...


영어숙제 해석 부탁드려요~

... How ( sweet, sweetly ) the rose smells! 17. This cake tastes ( salt, of salt... ①from ②of ③away ④to 맞는 답하고 해석 부탁드리겠습니다~ 예)...



... hOw sweEt!..hehE1.. yOu knOw I miss yoU!.. im 19 hehe1.. yOu???? Please teLL abOut yOur stUdY??? Do yOu hAve a bOy friEnd???? hehE!.. LOve yOu!... God bLess im nOt busY...


올리비아- Meditation 가사 해석좀...

... Meditating how sweet life will be when you come back to me Yes, I love you so And that for me is all I need to know I will wait for you till the sun falls from out...


영어해석좀.. 내공 팍팍!!ㅠㅠ

... How sweet a picture! this good act completed, the girl looked tenderly for a moment at David. 부탁드려요.ㅠ Not more than five minutes passed when a young girl...


영어해석부탁드려요 ㅠ 정말 급해요...

... and Mrs Smith, How sweet of you to send me and minsu such lovely salad bowls! We are very happy with them. They're simply beautiful and practical. We will always use and...


영어 해석좀 해주세요 ㅠㅠㅠ

... how sweet :D my daughter will get ya name hihihaa xD becoz it siunds soooo beautiful 3.이건 그냥 자기혼자 쓰고 갔어여 but im dun like to sleep by friends xD coz...


타임지 기사 해석좀 해주세요

How Sweet It Isn't In the Sugar Trade Sugar shortages are leaving a bitter aftertaste. Bad weather and rising energy costs have pushed raw sugar to its highest world...


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