hampered Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


BBC뉴스 해석!

... clouds hampered the search. Thirteen of the passengers were members of a South... clouds hampered the search. 그 비행기는 악천후 속에서 접선이...


영어 문제에요 알려주세요...

... Protestors outside the courthouse have seriously hampered our effort... Protestors outside the courthouse have seriously hampered our effort...



... being hampered in exploring it. True, films dealing with carrent subjects may also... being hampered in exploring it. ==>사실, 현재의 주제를 다루고 있는...


영어 해석 좀 부탁드려요 내공 많이...

... Korean people's rights are being hampered by this veiled negotiation process... Korean people's rights are being hampered by this veiled negotiation process which...


영자신문 좀 해석해 주세요... ㅜ.ㅠ

... As for others sruck in the compratments, all efforts were hampered. Things could... were hampered. Things could have been a little better if they had been trained...


영어해석 한문장 부탁드려요!

... The lack of national data has hampered the ability of governments and social... The lack of national data has hampered the ability of governments and social service...


코리안헤럴드 영어신문 해석이요~

... decisively hampered the unification of the Korean Peninsula. After all, history... decisively hampered the unification of the Korean Peninsula. After all, history can...



It has begun rolling out a series of new models, including the ID.4 electric SUV, but progress last year was hampered by supply chain issues, Volkswagen Group said....


독해지문 해석 부탁드려요

... production hampered because of extensive destruction caused to mangroves, the... production hampered because of extensive destruction caused to mangroves, the...


영번역 ㅠㅠ 부탁드려요

... been hampered rain and fog. Two thousand more people were found dead and as many... been hampered rain and fog. 웬찬의 도로들은 돌과 진흙사태로 크게...


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