from a distance Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


... seen from a distance ,it looks like the head of a dragon 4 As he has been ill for a week ,he looks pale and weary 1 As she lived in France when she was...


sex with a Ghost 라는 노래...

... Even from a distance I can hear her Try to listen, but her whispers make my ears hurt And on our dates, it's never daytime When she gets playful with a steak knife I need a break...


독립분사구문 만드는 법 좀ㅠㅠ

... Seen from a distance, it looked like a ball. Night coming on, we stared for home. 안녕하세요? 대한민국 최초 16년째 선생님도 매월 시험보는 목동수학/영어/국어전문학원...


영어 문법 질문입니다.

Seen from a distance life seems simple. Q. 문장이 문법상 맞는 건가요? Q. Seen from a ditance가 life를 앞에서 수식할 수가 있나요? Q. 위의 문장이 틀렸다면...


분사구문 틀린문장

Seeing from a distance, the rock looks like a human face. 이 문장이 분사구문으로써 틀린거랑 분사구문으로 맞게 쓴 것 좀 알려주세요 빨리 부탁드려요...



Seen from a distance, the rock looked like a dragon. 에서 젤 앞에 왜 seen인지 설명해주세요ㅜㅜ seeing으로는 안되나요? 거리로 부터 보는것은 ~~ 이렇게...


내공 100)) 영어 문법 문제 답 좀...

... When it is seen from a distance, it looks like an eagle -> [Seen / Being see] from a distance, it looks like an eagle. Because, when, if, and, though 1....

태그: 영어문법, 중2영어, 분사구문문제, 급해요, 내공100겁니다

영어 문장 해석 부탁드립니다.(내공 80)

- Smoke from the fires in the round clay houses seeped through the palm leaf roofs, and from a distance these faint columns of smoke seemed to hover over the village. - For...

태그: 영어, 해석, 독해, 문장

여기서 from a distance를 어떻게 해석...

People would ask me if I was adopted when they saw my mother's white skin – she's actually mixed but she's white from a distance, and I'm black from a distance. 사람들은 우리...


문법 질문이요

... from a distance 이건 이름이 기억 안나는데 관용어? 이대로 외워야 하는건가요? distance가 거리 뜻으로 불가산인데 a가 붙은게 궁금해서요 문법...


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