energe Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


Although you can alw

Although you can always repeat your steps, you might not have the time, opportunity, energe or resource... opportunity, energe or resource you once had when you could have made your goals happen one by one....

태그: 검색질문, 통합검색궁금증, 통합검색질문하기

다음 문장에 대해서 설명해주세요.

... saving energe a national obsession. 1. 밑줄 친 부분... 그리고 saving energe a national obsession. 에서 is 는... saving energe a national obsession. 1. 밑줄 친 부분...


영어 좀 고쳐주세요

... 아스트로는 죽었다 but giant roabot give energe for astro 그러나 거대한... 아스트로는 죽었다 but giant roabot give energe for(To입니다) astro 그러나 거대한...


사람이아닌주어의 3인칭 단수 복수 구별법

... The energe that is necessary to make new bottle is saved 여기서는 주어가 The energe 이니까 동사가 is가 되고 The fact... The energe, The fact 은 3인칭 이라는거죠. 여기에서...


(내공) 번역기 사절 ㅠ.ㅠ 번역좀...

... also we developed a gas refilling and recovery device for energe saving and... also we developed a gas refilling and recovery device for energe saving and emission...


짧막한 영어좀 해석해 주세요

Learning a foreign language takes time and energe, but it is rewaring 외국 언어를 배우는... take time and energe(energy가 아닌지 싶은데..ㅡㅡ;;) ~하는데 ~가 들어가다......


부탁 드립니다 도와주세요 ....

... A B C D 3.Energe from the sun, the ocean, and the wind [ ] very useful in the... Energe from the sun, the ocean, and the wind [ ] very useful in the future. a) will...


영어 해석 구문 분석

~~~and changing solar energe to electricity is too expensive for normal use. 여기서 저는 전기에 태양이너지를 변화시키는것은 너무 비싸다 평상시에 사용하기...


영어 해석 부탁드려요

... of energe; it helps people forget their problems and have fun. do all koreans... fast and loud music is full of energe; it helps people forget their problems and have...


[독해] 부대상황과 분사구문이 나란히...

... of energe, allowing the diligent workers to produce... of energe, allowing the diligent workers to produce... -> a bountiful supply of energe, allowing the diligent...


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