discarded Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

millions of~ 단수인지 복수인지

... of discarded clothing piles up in landfills each year. 라는... of discarded clothing이 단수 취급이라서 그런가요?... of discarded clothing piles up in landfills each year. 동사를...


해석 좀 해주세요ㅠ Rooftop s

... ard discarded Rooftop solar systems connect to lead acid batteries that last five... ard discarded "옥상 태양광 시스템은 유지보수가 잘 이루어진 경우...


영어 한문장 문법 오류 있나요?

Let's make bags with discarded clothes and protect the... with discarded clothes and protect the environment. -> Let's make bags from(또는 out of) discarded clothes and...


영어 글 첨삭

... Many marine life are suffering from discarded plastic waste because they are... Many marine life is suffering from discarded plastic waste because they are...

태그: 영어첨삭부탁드려요, 영어첨삭도와주세요, 영어작문, 영어, 외국어, 첨삭, 영어문법

영어 영작 부탁드려요

... way / can injure / that / discarded chemical weapon ]... way / can injure / that / discarded chemical weapon ]... a destructive way / can injure / that / discarded chemical weapon ]...

태그: 영어영작, 영어, 영작

급해요!!이 문장을 5형식 구문으로...

... is discarded. It is a problem because it is... 그리고 If it cannot be recycled, it is discarded. It... is discarded. It is a problem because it is expensive to...


영문법 질문드려여

... been discarded to be replaced by simple English.... Many obscure legal terms 주어 have been discarded... been discarded to be replaced by simple English. 수동형태가 두개...


틀린 부분 있나요?ㅠㅠ

... are discarded do not rot for life, causing environmental problems, but using... are discarded they don't rot for ages, causing environmental problems, but...


영어 도와주세요ㅜ

... They also clean up after themselves, eating any leftover threads from old or discarded... They also clean up after themselves, eating any leftover threads from old or discarded...


전치사 뒤 형용사 나올수 있나요

문장 They had earlier discarded as inadequate 에서 as inadequate (전치사 뒤 형용사)... 전치사 뒤 형용사 나올수 있나요 문장 They had earlier discarded as inadequate 에서...


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