democrat Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


토플 문제가 해석이 안되네요ㅠㅠㅠ

... According to paragraph 4, a Democrat would be most likely to support government... According to paragraph 4, a Democrat would be most likely to support government action...


영어 문장 해석이요 (내공있음)

... and Democrat. The privacy of all Americans is fiercely protected in all our... and Democrat. 내가 인가한 정보활동이 합법적이며 이미 공화당과...


영어해석부탁해요 [내공 100*]

... The recent Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll puts the Democrat candidate ten points ahead... The recent Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll puts the Democrat candidate ten points ahead...


한문장 해석좀 부탁드려요. ㅋㅋ

A christian Democrat from the disputed borderland of Lorraine... Christian Democrat from the border region. A Christian Democrat from the disputed borderland of Lorraine...


번역 진짜 급해요 부탁드려요ㅠㅠ 내공...

... Social Democrat programme for the Habsburg Empire-and attacked the Russian demand... Social Democrat programme for the Habsburg Empire-and attacked the Russian demand...


CNN 기사 독해 좀 도와주세요.

... When she read the news Thursday morning, the Maryland Democrat said, "It was like, 'Oh... When she read the news Thursday morning, the Maryland Democrat said, Maryland주의...


영어해석좀 해주세요.

... The Social Democrat-led government has launched a $4.4bn scheme to increase the... The Social Democrat-led government has launched a $4.4bn scheme to increase the...


짧은 문장 해석좀

... Just as Lincoln was succeeded by a Southern Democrat named... Just as Lincoln was succeeded by a Southern Democrat... 썼고 named Johnson은 Southern Democrat을 수식합니다.


스피드 영어 해석좀요!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

... Democrat-controlled Congress was able to delay action on the nominations. (B) For example, when Democrat... the Democrat-controlled Congress was able to delay action...


미국 공화당, 민주당, 그리고 노예제도

... 옛날에는 남쪽이 농경사회 + 노예(democrat) 그리고 북쪽이 공장 + X 노예 (republican)... 옛날에는 남쪽이 농경사회 + 노예(democrat) 그리고 북쪽이 공장 + X 노예 (republican)...

태그: 미국, 노예제도, 민주당, 공화당, 남북전쟁, 대공황, 트럼프

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