daycare center Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

번역 부탁드립니다. 내공 겁니다~(번역기...

... I love working with children, and I'd like to have a full-time job outside the home in a day-care center. I'm writing because I have an interview next week at an...


영어 해석(내공 드려요~)

... Right now, day care is not provided at the factory, but a new day care center is being built. 6. we must work faster to keep up with the project schedule. 7. mr. O'Dell...


영어문장 해석좀 해주세요...부탁트려요

... Diane Ross, owner and founder of Reno, Nevada's The Continuum, which features an adult day-care center, decided it would be cost-prohibitive to have a commercial...


잘못된 부분을 고쳐주세요

... 15.I hot Bob take my kids to the day-care center. Exercise 5. 다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 1.Let me to go with you. 2.I...


에세이 첨삭 한번만 부탁드립니다.

... My dream of becoming a teacher was started from teaching student at children’s day-care center. Teaching the students brings the ability to feel one's...


수동태 문장 목적어

Right now, day care is not provided at the factory, but a new day care center.이라는 문장에서 목적어가 무엇이죠? 왜 수동태인거죠? "지금 당장은 공장에서 탁아소를 제공하는...


영어 틀린 문장없는지 확인해 주세요...

I volunteered at a day care center for children. I worked there every sunday afternoon last short vacation. My duty was to take care of children. we played block...


토익 이문장몇개만 해석이요..헷갈림;;

... 9.Right now, day care is not provided at the factory, but a new day care center is being built. 10.We must work faster to keep up with the project schedule....


Day care center, preschool...

Day care center, preschool, kindergarten 차이가 뭔가요? 우리나라랑 비교해서 알려주세요 Day care center, preschool, kindergarten 차이가 뭔가요? 우리나라랑...

태그: 유치원, 어린이집, 미국

토익독해 해석부탁드립니다.번역기는...

... Plans for the new preoject include more than fifty stores, a sports complex, a skating rink, a day-care center, dentist and docor's offices. and many other services...


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