considerate of Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지


영어 작문 수행

... My strength is being considerate of others and always being attentive. 2. I quickly recognize and help my friend when he is having a hard time. <약점 제시 - 예시...

태그: 영어작문, 영어수행평가

영어 고수님들ㅠㅜㅠ

... All passengers should be (consideration, considerable, considerate) of others by speaking quietly when talking on their cell phones. ▶ 3. The building is in a...

태그: 영어, 토익


... All passengers should be considerate of others by speaking quietly when talking on their cell phones. ▶모든 승객들은 전화통화를 할 때 다른...


영어 작문한거 틀린거 수정 요청...

... it is considerate of him to ansewer politely to me 그가 나에게 정중히 대답하는 것은 배려한 것이다. it is kind of her to make the pie 그녀가 그 파이를...


의미상의 주어를 for대신에 of를...

... It is considerate of you to think of me. It is cruel of her to dump her boyfriend. It is dishonest of them to tell such a downright lie. It is gentle of him to...


to trouble others

It is considerate of you not to want to trouble others. 에서 to trouble도 to부정사인가요? to trouble others It is considerate of you not to want to trouble others....


영어 문장 성분 분석 내공 50

... 3.It is considerate of you not to want to trouble others. 4.It's very generous of you to offer financial help for the elderly who live alone. 5.How far is it from here...


영어 번역해주세요 급해요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

... They feel considerate of others, but they are actually conscious of the "me" in the eyes of others. Second is a person who grew up in an environment where he could...


토익 답 알려주세요..

... 이해심이 많은 →be considerate of~ 에 대해 배려하다. 이해하다 10. The pamphlets were redesigned to include photographs of the hotel’s...

태그: 토익, 동영상답변, 지식iN동영상답변

영어 문법

... Also, it shows he is thinking more about his brother, becoming more kind, and becoming more considerate of his brother. This shows how changes, such as...

태그: 문법, 문법확인부탁드립니다, 문법확인

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