aesthetic Qna 관련 답변 5 페이지

영어 첨삭도와주세요

... (분사구문) In this process, it was aesthetic sense that a chief needs (it... In this process, it was aesthetic sense that a chief needs. (it that 강조구문)...


영어 질문이요

"which sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sebsibilities into harmony"가 왜... own aesthetic sebsibilities - 목적어] into harmony / 조각가들은 자신의 미적...


city's 소유격 아닌가요?

... an aesthetic storm. 여기서 city's 소유격 아니에요?? 왜 the랑 같이 오나요?... marvellous product of an aesthetic storm."과 같이 문장 구조를 바꿀 수 있습니다.


It ~ that

So it follows naturally that the aesthetic quality and dramatic power of the image are extremely important. 이 문장에서 it~ that은 가주어로 쓰인 건가요 아니면...


for과 to부정사

... an aesthetic quality, as something that has the... an aesthetic quality, as something that has the qualities... an aesthetic quality]는 is의 보어 역할을 하는 'for...

태그: 영어문법, 영어, 전치사, for, to부정사

영어 글쓰기 틀린 곳

... and aesthetic values. 이처럼 한글은 효율적이고 현대적이며 미적인... and aesthetic values. 이처럼 한글은 효율적이고 현대적이며 미적인...

태그: 영어, 영어틀린부분, 영어문법

문장구조랑 해석이요

... the aesthetic in music produced musical forms which were... the aesthetic in music produced musical forms which were... the aesthetic in music produced musical forms which were...


영어 문법 분사구문

In the case of music or other aesthetic experiences, the... other aesthetic experiences, the evidence suggests... In the case of music or other aesthetic experiences...



... an aesthetic property? One suggestion is that these... an aesthetic property. Unfortunately, this proposal... evaluations aesthetic evaluations? At one time...

태그: 문제풀이

엄청 어려운 영단어 궁금해요!!

... 옹호하다 Aesthetic - 미적인 Affection - 애정 Affirm - 단언하다 Aggravate - 악화시키다 Agitate - 선동하다, 흔들다 Allege - 주장하다 Alliance - 동맹...


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