disciplines Qna 관련 답변 46 페이지


Symbolic Systems이란??

... of disciplines began to converge on a scientific approach... traditional disciplines. As a result researchers in... traditional disciplines, frequently find it hard to assimilate...


영어 영작좀 부탁 드려요.. 가장 기억에...

... She was really tough, so students had to get painful disciplines from her. I remember my experience that I had to get hit by her in the bottom because i didn't do my homework. I think that is...


방콕아시안게임 또는 부산아시안게임에...

... Among 36 disciplines and two demonstration events, rugby and billiards and snooker were added.(이 문장은 discipline의 뜻을 정확히 몰라서 해석못했습니다 뒷부분만...



... This disciplines how participating governments make their purchases, and opens... the disciplines and expanding access to these markets. Transparency (such as making...


영어구조 관련해서요

... across disciplines. 여기에서요 that 의 역할이 무엇이고 꼭 들어가야 되는지요? 가르쳐 주세요 제 생각에는... 문맥을 좀 필요하지만.....


수능완성 실전편 p.70

... Science is sometimes taken to be the sum total of all the facts, definitions, theories, techniques, and relationships found in all of the individual scientific disciplines. 과학은...


코리아 타임즈(Korea Times) 기사 번역...

... multiple disciplines. Students who take advantage of such opportunities can... multiple disciplines. 유학하는 학생들은 다양한 학생 총수의 구성...


[불어번역] 입시요강 번역좀 부탁드립니다

... des disciplines instrumentales classiques et... 수업연수 4년 (경우에따라 3년) Disciplines... deux disciplines complémentaires optionnelles au choix, dont une...


영작좀 부탁드려요 10줄 정도 ;; 대화...

... 그 나라마다 규율같은게 있죠 There are disciplines for each countries. 한국에 대해서 공부좀 하셔야겠어여 You should study about Korea. 없어요 No. 미국...


kristy ! Proof

... Also, Korean people are known to value conformity, respect for elders, and disciplines. Most of the students in Korea compete with each other rigorously...


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