in recognition of Qna 관련 답변 44 페이지

한글로 번역좀 부탁드립니다.^^

An 82-year-old woman living in Daegu got by for days without gas, electricity or... But what is most required at this point is citizens` recognition of the problem and...


비와 관련된 아름다운 영어말(내공있슴)...

... (In Botswana, the Setswana word for rain, "pula," is used as the name of the national currency, in recognition of the economic importance of rain in this desert country.)...


이것좀 직역해 주세여 내공 있어여

... More problematic is the fact that recognition of the medical "facts" of disease... group in pursuit of an objective. Wars have existed throughout human history and...


영어 논문 해석 부탁드려요! 2

This study highlights the importance of the perspective of informal caregivers in the recognition of and support regarding anxiety in hospice inpatients with cancer. Therefore...

태그: 영어문법, 영어해석, 영어논문번역, 영어논문

영어 고수님들 영어 번역좀 부탁드려요~

... For example, in one study family caregivers of patients in hospice provided an... Given that recognition of CG as a distinct disorder is relatively recent, the...


영어독해 부탁드려요.

... needs recognition of his right to privacy, or what he defines as " a state of... The cat's attitude, as any cat owner knows, is one long demonstration in favor of...


영문 해석 부탁합니다

... a recognition of the citizens of Seoul's retrospection of the past and insight into the future in order to make Seoul a...


지금 스페인국대 이길수잇는 역대...

... In 1937 he put together a squad which was soon nicknamed the Breslau Elf (the Breslau Eleven) in recognition of their 8–0 win over Denmark in the then...


영어 한문장 해석좀 부탁드려요

... units in hospitals, which moved away from punitive moral treatment to a more medical approach. Recognition of the needs of people with mental illnesses led to the...


영어작문오류좀찾아주세요 영작&문법...

... But in order to resist against my father, and to gain recognition of him, I decided to volunteer for special force. 하지만 여러 어려운 상황 때문에...


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